Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Organized Chaos

Don't you love this desk? I love how chaotic it is...so inspiring and creative. I would love to re-create something like this.
What does your desk area like? Is it chaotic like this or organized?
via:: La La Lovely


paula said...

right now it feels chaotic. I need organization though.

kimbirdy said...

I try really hard to be organized so I can feel like I have more space and time to work on art/crafts... but... it hardly ever stays organized and pretty. I'm just not that good at avoiding chaos. :)

Rebecca (Dog-Eared) said...

my desk is basically another shelf for all my stuff! not-so-pretty chaos..

Ashley said...

love this. i do like my actual desk to be really organized, but i would really like to make an inspiration wall above it much like this!

Gaia said...

my desk is a perfect mess...!!! I don't need a particular organization!